Monday, April 19, 2010

What i did Today

First off, let me say sorry for not being in class today... but i had to work on my short story which is due to the class tonight... here is what i got on it so far, and i'll post the finishing on it later tonight.
Night Start stood her ground; all four paws planted firmly, and argued with her mother about the wolf that the Alpha picked out to be her mate. “Look, mother.” She growled. “Just because I’m the granddaughter of the Alpha, doesn’t mean I have to listen to him.” She paced while waiting for her mother’s response.
“Trust me, my daughter, he knows what he is talking about.” Her mother laid down on the dens cool, rough surface. “I didn’t trust him when he introduced me to your father, now look at us.”
“But, Shade is not a wolf.” She thought of the wolf that would be her mate, if her grandfather had his way. “He is nothing more than a common mutt.”
“He will be arriving latter, daughter, maybe you should go out and cool your head.” Her mother put her head on her paws. “Until then, I’ll take a nap.”
“I will meet him, but I won’t mate with him.” She left the den as the sun set over the mountains.

Night Star’s mind was racing that whole night. Before she knew it, the moon was high in the sky and the shadows were growing deeper across the forest’s floor. “Damn it.” she breathed, and let the rest trail off in her mind. Just because he is the Alpha, doesn’t mean he can run my life.
The wind picked up and blew a hominid scent to her attention. That’s strange, she thought, the chimps usually don’t come around this area this time of year. I wonder what’s wrong. She changed her direction to visit her wayward friends.
As she neared her friend’s territory, she picked up another scent, which caused a shiver to go down her spine. The scent was almost that of a forest fire, with the smell of burnt animals filling the air. She turned around, to head back to the den, to tell the Alpha about the fire.
Before Night Star went too far from the smell of burnt animals, the scent of hominids came back to her attention, this time closer. She halted and raised her head to try and get a good smell. This isn’t the scent of the chimps, it is just too wrong for them.
Night Star heard the howl from the Alpha, “Everybody, return to the den.” She started to head back to the smell of the hominids, when she noticed something about to strike her.
Night Star barely had enough time to jump to the side as something shinny at the end of a branch landed next to her, and impacted the ground with a thud. She darted away from it. Hearing the sound of something following her, something fast, and whatever it was, it was on two legs. The sounds from the creature slowly died away. Whatever they were, they couldn’t keep up with her.

The scent was drifting its way back to the den, for as far as Night Star ran from the place of the two legged hominids, she still smelled the foul scent. The first wolf that she ran into was Rain, another female of the tribe.
“Night, do you know where that smell is coming from?”
“No, Rain, I don’t.” She looked back, and cocked her head, trying to listen to see if anything followed her. “I was close by it when the Alpha called everyone back.” She didn’t mention the part where she was attacked, because, she knew it would worry her friend.
Rain hopped in front of Night Star and had a mysterious smile on her face. “So, guess who is here, Night.”
Oh, Great. “Who, Rain?” she didn’t put any humor in her voice.
“Your one and only, Shade, has arrived.”
“That’s just what I need, another male wolf trying to tell me what to do.”
“Ouch, don’t be that way, Night.” Rain turned her head towards the den. “You’ll like him, I know it.”
“We’ll see about that, Rain. As for now, I need to talk to the Alpha, where is he?”
“He is with the other males, in a meeting.”
“Good.” Night Star entered the already quiet den. She saw her mother, and the other females of the tribe around her. Night Star noticed her mother’s eyes focus on her before she turned her head back to the other females. Night Star slowly walked over to join the other females.
“Nice that you could join us,” her mother said without looking back to her. “The males are in a meeting, trying to figure out what is happening in our forest.”
“Then, I should go,” She headed towards the meeting area.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Her mother got up and blocked her way.
“I’m going to the meeting. I have some information that they could use.” Night Star tried to get past her mother, but she wasn’t budging
“The meeting is for the males. No females are allowed to participate.”
Night Star was fully aware of the arcane practice, but she was going to get into it, even if she had to fight her mother. “Mother, you know that that is stupid.” She took a step forward. “I am going to attend, and provide any help I can.”
“Night Star,” Her mother sighed. “You are to be part of the next Alpha pair, and being so, you need to respect the traditions of this tribe.”
“It is time that some traditions change, mother.” She growled and took another step towards her mother, and to the meeting.
“Daughter, are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes, mother, I do.”
Her mother smiled. “Then go.” Her mother stepped aside to let her pass. “There is someone in there that you should meet anyways.”
Night Star watched her mother as she walked passed her.

Night Star was getting closer to the meeting area, and she started to pick up fragments of the conversation. Of course, the first voice she would hear would be her grandfather, “. . . That is why I am asking for volunteers.”
She didn’t see one of the male wolves of her tribe move to join the Alpha. Though, one wolf that she had never laid eyes on before got up.
“Is this the mighty, Iron Fur Wolf Tribe, which I’ve heard so many stories of?”
Night Star watched him as he paced the room, turning his head to each male member of the tribe.

Ok, it is 10:43, and i decided to give you an update on my progress.. This is due by midnight.

She didn’t see one of the male wolves of her tribe move to join the Alpha. Though, one wolf that she had never laid eyes on before got up.
“Is this the mighty, Iron Fur Wolf Tribe, which I’ve heard so many stories of?”
Night Star watched him as he paced the room, turning his head to each male member of the tribe, until he stopped in front of her grandfather.
“I’ll join you tonight Day Star, as will my brother, Shadow.” Another wolf walked over and joined the Alpha.
“Thank you, Shade.”
Shade? So that’s the wolf that her grandfather picked out to be her mate. She studied Shade for a moment, before she walked over and joined them.
“I will also go.” Was all that she said. She could feel the gaze of her grandfather on her, and knowing how much this displeased him made it all the more fun.
“Night Star” her grandfather finally said, “We don’t know what those creatures are, and don’t know what they will do.”
Night Star looked at her grandfather. “That is why I am coming. I have already come across them once tonight, and know some of what thing of what they are.” She was still thinking of the stick that almost hit her, and wondered if she should tell her grandfather about it now or while walking. She saw the Alpha sigh.
“You can join.”
She smiled, “Thank you grandfather.”
“But,” there always had to be a, but. “You can only join us till we their scent gets stronger.”
“Alright,” She knew better than to argue with her grandfather. Well, at least for now.

Night Star was biding her time, waiting for the right time to challenge her grandfather about her going back.
“So, you’re Night Star.”
She didn’t hear him come upon her, causing her heart to speed up from his sudden approach. “Yeah, I am.” She looked at him, and then turned back to see where she was going. “You must be that mutt that he,” She nudged her head towards her grandfather. “Has picked out for me?”
Shade was silent for a while after that, but then he finally spoke again. “Well,” he paused for a moment, “I was the one that approached him.”
Shade stopped in her tracks. What was he saying, she has always thought that it was her grandfathers plan to get her married, but now, she wasn’t so sure. “So,” she took a deep breath and held it for a second before continuing here sentence. “Why me?”
She heard shade just chuckle. “That, I’ll keep to myself for now.”
Shade picked up his pace and joined the Alpha. Night Star could see that they were talking, and most likely, about her.
“Don’t let his demeanor put you off.” This time it was, Shadow, that snuck up on her.
She scowled. “I just don’t like to be treated as a piece of meat.”
“Then, you don’t have anything to fear.” He turned his head towards Shade. “He only likes deer meat.”
She softly laughed at the bad joke.
“Ok,” her grandfather spoke up. “Night Star, it is time for you to head back.” He had stopped and was looking at her.
She bowed her head, “Grandfather,” she looked right at him. “I volunteered to come all the way. Nothing you say now will change my mind.”
Her grandfather approached her. “Don’t be stubborn pup. We don’t know what these creatures can do.”
“But, I do. I was attacked by them earlier when I was out here.” She saw the anger in her grandfather’s teeth as he growled.
“And you are just now telling me this.” He raised his head and howled, calling the tribe to war.
“Because I knew you would do that.”
“We will be waiting here till the rest of the tribe gets here. But,” He turned his head towards her. “in the mean time. You are going to tell me everything that happened tonight.”

Night Star had just finished telling her grandfather all that happened, when the scent of the hominids became stronger. “They are getting closer to us.”
The other wolves put their heads up. “So, this is the smell of those beasts that came into my forest, and attacked my granddaughter.”
Even if the other wolves ran, Night Star knew that the hominids would arrive first.
Her grandfather looked at the two male wolves. “Ok, Shade, Shadow, Protect Night Star.” It seems that he didn’t need to ask twice, as they moved close around her.
There she was, staring at where her grandfather just stood, for now he was the Alpha, and would do anything to protect what he cared about.

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